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Two main types of painting. Still life where there is a set up on the table and I draw and paint it. These tend to be done in oils but not always and then there are the florals that seem to pop and dance on the page. I use a layering technique of acrylics, charcoal, and pastels to bring about this fun and sometimes whimsical paintings.
Intuitive painting is one of my favorite ways to paint. There is a beginning with perhaps an intention...for example, “Peace” and then I simply begin the painting with mark making, various brushstrokes, stamps, finger paint etc. until the painting shows me something to develop. Many of my whimsical and spiritual pieces are intuitive. I like to teach this process in my classes.
Plain air in oils. Currently painting on Monterey Bay, Santa Cruz, Carmel, and Big Sur. Many times I will work on a series of paintings. I live in such a beautiful place. My travels also inspire these paintings as well. Another type of landscape I will work on is large acrylic paintings where there is plenty of room for freedom of expression. In one work I simplify and in another, I create abstract marks of color and shape. Always exploring something new.